Timber Trouble: Roundwood Removals Drop by 16% in 2023
Forestry Sector Sees €214 Million in Roundwood Removals in 2023, a 16% Decrease from Previous Year: CSO Data
Forestry Sector Sees €214 Million in Roundwood Removals in 2023, a 16% Decrease from Previous Year: CSO Data
“DAFM Pledges Commitment to Forest Reduction in SPAs for Hen Harrier Conservation”
“DAFM Grants 20 Afforestation Licences for 132ha in First Week of September, Continues Upward Trend in Forestry Approvals”
“Retired Farmer’s Ash Plantation in Caherconlish, Co. Limerick Draws Interest from Agriland”
“Devastated Farmer in Co. Limerick Left with ‘Tree Graveyard’ as Ash Dieback Takes Toll on Plantation”
“DAFM Meets Afforestation Targets for Second Consecutive Week, SEEFIA Reports Positive Progress Amid Sluggish Planting Rates”
Irish Farmers’ Association Supports Department’s Decision to Suspend Timber Imports from Scotland due to Bark Beetle Discovery
“Forestry Planting in Ireland Falls Short of Annual Target, Latest Data Reveals”
“DAFM Confirms 60 New Outbreaks of Fireblight in 2024, Threatening Irish Hedgerows and Orchards”
IFA Calls for Redesign of €5,000 Scheme for Ash Dieback-Affected Landowners
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