Green Guardians: HSA’s New Forestry Inspection Blitz

HSA Launches Inspection Campaign to Ensure Safety in Forestry Sector

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has initiated a targeted inspection campaign aimed at enhancing safety standards within the forestry sector. Launched on Monday, July 22, this campaign underscores the HSA’s commitment to upholding the recently updated code of practice for managing safety and health in forestry operations. With a primary objective of ensuring secure working environments, HSA inspectors will meticulously assess safety and health protocols, scrutinize risk assessments, and evaluate safety statements.

The inspection campaign will zero in on crucial aspects such as the implementation of essential safety measures, the adequacy of safety training for all machinery operators – including contractors, and the correct utilization of personal protective equipment (PPE). Darren Arkins, the program manager at the HSA, emphasized the evolving nature of the forestry industry in Ireland, where the involvement of contractors has become increasingly prevalent. He highlighted the chain of responsibilities that extend from forest owners to workers, stressing the legal obligations that all parties must fulfill to safeguard the well-being of individuals involved in forestry operations.

The code of practice for managing safety and health in forestry operations offers practical guidance on mitigating risks associated with forestry work, encompassing aspects like machinery handling, working at heights, and emergency response planning. As per the updated code, employers are mandated to review their safety statements in specific circumstances, including significant changes in relevant matters, doubts about the statement’s validity, or directives from inspectors following inspections or inquiries. Employers must amend the safety statement within 30 days of such instructions.

Given the inherent risks associated with chainsaw operations, the HSA has developed comprehensive guidelines for the safe use of chainsaws tailored for business owners and operators. Arkins stressed the importance of proper training in chainsaw operation, effective work site management, and the utilization of appropriate protective gear to prevent injuries. He emphasized that individuals lacking the necessary competency and training, as well as the requisite PPE for chainsaw work, should refrain from operating chainsaws and instead enlist the services of trained professionals to ensure safety and compliance.

In conclusion, the HSA’s forestry inspection campaign underscores the critical importance of adhering to safety protocols and ensuring the well-being of all individuals involved in forestry operations. By prioritizing safety measures, training, and the proper use of equipment, the forestry sector can strive towards creating a safer and more secure working environment for all stakeholders involved.

Matt Lyons

Matt Lyons

Matt Lyons is the founder of Forestry & Carbon. Matt has over 25 years as a forestry consultant and is invoilved in numerous carbon credit offset projects.

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