DAFM Unveils Exciting NeighbourWood Initiative to Boost Forestry Efforts

DAFM Launches NeighbourWood Scheme to Enhance Forests and Biodiversity

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has unveiled the innovative NeighbourWood scheme as part of the Forestry Programme 2023-2027. This initiative aims to bolster existing forests by supporting silvicultural works that enhance their appeal, biodiversity, and suitability for recreational activities.

Under the first element of the scheme, projects can access funding of up to €6,000 per hectare to cover approved costs, with a maximum limit of €72,000 (€6,000 x 12 hectares). This element focuses on activities such as eradicating invasive species, implementing coupe planting to rejuvenate stagnant canopies, and replacing conifer stands with native woodland.

The second element of the NeighbourWood scheme provides financial support for the development of amenities that facilitate the utilization and enjoyment of existing woodlands and forests by the public. These amenities can range from basic features like trails, seating areas, signage, and parking to more specialized facilities catering to specific user groups. Projects falling under this element can receive funding of up to €4,200 per hectare, with a maximum limit of €50,400 (€4,200 x 12 hectares).

The scheme is targeted at enhancing existing woodlands, including recently planted ones, and is open to applications from both private and public forest owners. In addition to the grants offered, private applicants may also qualify for an annual Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES), acknowledging the environmental and climate benefits derived from their adoption of alternative silvicultural and recreational practices.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Martin Heydon, emphasized the community-centric nature of the NeighbourWood scheme, highlighting its potential to unite local communities with nearby woodlands for shared use and enjoyment. He noted that these NeighbourWoods will not only provide recreational opportunities and promote physical activity but also offer individuals a chance to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of changing seasons. Heydon further emphasized the social value of these woodlands within their surrounding areas, enhancing the overall appeal of these locales as vibrant places to live, work, and play.

The funding allocated through the scheme will support woodland enhancement initiatives and the installation of recreational amenities that enable public access and engagement with the natural environment. Minister of State for forestry, farm safety, and horticulture, Michael Healy-Rae, expressed his belief in the scheme’s potential to strengthen the local significance of forests by integrating them into the fabric of the community.

Matt Lyons

Matt Lyons

Matt Lyons is the founder of Forestry & Carbon. Matt has over 25 years as a forestry consultant and is invoilved in numerous carbon credit offset projects.

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